What are your plans for today? Do you plan to go shopping for those last minute items or are you just beginning your Christmas shopping today? Are you already in the kitchen preparing treats and goodies for your Christmas dinner or party that you plan to attend? Or are you sleeping in and trying to get caught up on your honey do list since you are off for a few days?
Well we are already up and we have begun our busy Christmas holiday. The kids are watching a Christmas movie, we have cookies in the oven, and I snuck away from the busyness of my long list of to do items to talk to you. I feel that the Lord has given me a message to share and I just could not wait to tell it. So please take a moment from your busy schedules and read this.

This season we have blogged about our journey through the advent. We talked about hope, peace, joy, and today I want to share with you LOVE. Do you know God loves you where you are? He does not care how many gifts you have under the tree, how many casseroles you have to prepare for dinner, or the things you must complete over this holiday. He only cares for you. Jesus is our gift, but we are also a gift for God. This is the gift that keeps on giving and the gift that made ALL the difference.
My pastor reminded us on Sunday to know love is to know God and to know God is to know love. John 3:16 tells us for God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life. The Bible also tells us in Romans 3:23 for all of us have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. So none of us are perfect. None of us are worthy. But if you confess that Jesus Christ rose from the dead and resurrected three days later for your sins then you are saved. God is speaking to you and telling you that He doesn't speak to the perfect but the imperfect. God wants you all bumps and bruises. He is here to heal you, cover you, and to Love you. Romans 10:9 says if you declare with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord", and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. It is that easy. To know God is to know Love. Jesus was born on Christmas day so he would live a life as a sinless man and then ultimately pay the price for each of us on a hill in Calvary. So let me ask you again. What are your plans for today? Can you pencil in at the top of your list to say Thanks to Jesus for being born and for paying the price for each of us? The gift that keeps on giving and the gift that made ALL the difference.
Merry Christmas from the Aguirre's |
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