Monday, December 1, 2014

I Hope the Shoe fits

For all of you who know me and how Grinch like I am around the holidays would be so surprised to know that our tree made an appearance right after Thanksgiving this year. I guess you could say that maybe I am changing.There is something to be said about preparing for motherhood and for this little one to come. Talking with my sister earlier as they were hanging up all the handmade ornaments that she has already collected and waiting to see what this year's ornament may be gave me a great sense of Hope. 

My pastor asked this Sunday what does hope mean? I didn't answer aloud but the first thing that came to my mind was expecting and then of course expecting a child and then I hope we have a baby soon. Yes I sometimes have ADD and I totally lost it and went there. But then he started talking about what do you think Mary thought of when she found out she was pregnant and that her baby boy would be the Messiah. Wow I was given chills. I put myself in Mary's shoes for a moment. A huge honor but also a great task that she had in front of her. What a woman of great love, strength, and faithfulness. I hope that I can be this strong and loving when my call comes. 

This advent season I would like to share my journey through life and through adoption. If I look back over my life I can see that by having Hope I was able to get through many situations. Romans 12:12 NIrV tells us that When you have hope, be joyful. When you suffer, be patient. When you pray, be faithful. What a powerful message here of truth, faithfulness, and power. God is going to be with you at all times just keep hoping, be patient, and keep praying. 

Here are some of my hopes:
  • I hope and pray that I will be a good mom to this little one.
  • I hope this little one comes soon.
  • I hope that those overseas fighting and defending will return safely and soon.
  • I hope that they find a cure for all cancers and for all diseases.
  • I hope that all food and water will be clean and that no one will ever go hungry again.
  • I hope that Human Trafficking ends.
  • I hope all members of my family accept Jesus Christ as their personal savior.
Some people think I am very optimistic, I like to think I am a dreamer. I also know that dreams do come true. So what are some of your hopes and dreams? What are you expecting? 

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