Monday, August 24, 2015

putting myself in my Mom's "shoes"

"I want to be the Mommy!," said one of our Pre-School students last Sunday morning. "No, I do," said another. And then I said over everyone "Well I want to be a Mommy too, so let's all be mommies." So we all agreed and went on with our playtime. 

I remember when I was young and was asked what I wanted to be when I grew up. Well, I wanted to be a Mother. My mom had the best job ever and of course playing grown ups was so much fun. My mom made me who I am today, she took care of me, she made my boo boos go away, she helped me when I was sick. She cut my hair, sewed on my buttons, checked my hair for ticks (big deal when you lived in the country), and she showed me how to cook and clean. And I remember always wanting to be my mommy during playtime. I wanted to hold the baby like mom did, cook dinner, do the dishes, and vacuum. Pretending to be a mom was so much fun.

I like to think all of that playtime as a child has prepared me to be a full time mommy one day. Even in my adult years I just feel like I have been in play mode this entire time and especially these last two years. This wait hasn't been short but when you are in play mode it sure seems easy. 

We just came back from vacation and we had an opportunity to bring our niece and nephew along. The entire trip I was in play mode and was pretending to be their mommy. I set the rules, I made them take showers, and I had the responsibility of making sure they cleaned their plate and buckled up their car seat. I was able to celebrate with them as we saw new things and I was able to protect them and to love on them. I loved every minute of it. But it went by so quickly, I wanted it to last forever. I remember going back to work that next Monday and turning around to see if their car seats were still in the car. It was so quiet and so empty and made me realize that being in playmode isn't just enough. That I want to be the Mommy.

Well playtime is over and it is my time to teach my daughter the importance of being a Mother. Meet our daughter she is a miracle, she is perfect, and she is amazing. 


  1. I am so happy for you guys. Congratulations

  2. So happy for you! You are going to be a great mommy!

  3. We are so thrilled and praise God for this incredible gift you have received! The Easterdays
