Well here is one story I will share... About 9 months ago, I thought a miracle had occurred. I was having morning sickness, I was having these strange cravings, and I was very late. Could it be? Could there be a baby growing inside of me? These thoughts began taking over my world. I was so excited! I have even decided that if I were pregnant that I would announce it to Jesse and our friends in the most creative way ever. I had to come up with a creative way to share the good news of this miracle, right?? I didn't tell anyone that I thought I was pregnant, not even Jesse. I wanted to wait until the time was right and then get a pregnancy test to prove this miracle had come true.
Well all of this excitement only lasted a couple days when I found out that the miracle that I wanted to share so creatively with my love and friends didn't really happen. Well my world fell apart. I was so angry. I was angry at CANCER, at Jesse, at everyone who could have children naturally, and angry at the world. This day I said some very horrible things to Jesse and cried in bed all night. Jesse had no clue that I was dealing with this, he just took on all the blame and kept saying he was sorry that it is all his fault that we could not have a baby. Well after this crazy event, I told him that we needed to go to counseling. So the first day of counseling I revealed to our pastor and Jesse that I thought I was pregnant and then found out that I wasn't. This took Jesse by surprise and he was sad that I didn't confide in him during this time. He told me that he never wanted me to have to go through that again and we agreed that we would be open and honest with one another. He is such a wonderful and patient husband.

I truly believe there is a miracle coming, because God is able and has the power to prevail. This miracle may not be the way I saw it, but I have redirected my faith and thoughts and placed it in the hands of the Lord. All things are possible with God. Matthew 17: 20-21 says 20 He said to them, “Because of your little faith. For truly, I say to you, if you have faith like a grain of mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move, and nothing will be impossible for you.”