Thursday, January 29, 2015

I have Cold Feet but not because of fear, I have a cold.

Achoo... tissues... hand sanitizer... vitamin c... cough... red nose... lots of coffee... empty tissue boxes... Well if you haven't guessed I have the flu. This has been how my week has been, I am not a good patient. I do not like being sick and I do not like germs. I am sure being OCD doesn't help with this. I have never been a germaphobe but this could change that. So why do I feel like I need to share this side of me with you readers?

Well think about all the times you have been sick. Who do you always run too? Well as a child I was a momma's baby, in fact, I guess I still am. This week all I have done is call my mom. I haven't necessarily talked about my sickness every time, but just to hear her voice. I am always like this. When I go to the doctor just for a physical or even a routine checkup. I call my mom. After battling and surviving breast cancer, my mom is hero and a warrior to me. She was so brave during her treatments and surgeries that you wouldn't have known she was battling such a disease. I guess that is why I always call her. I know she doesn't have a medical degree, but she knows so much about health because it impacted her life. What she may not know is that this also impacted my life. I may not have been a great daughter during those years, but I hope she knows that I am so proud of her. 

I share this because I know one day when my child is sick that I will be on the other side. I hope that I will be able to impact my child as much as my mom has impacted me. I hope when my child is 34 years old and has the flu that he/she will call me. I may not have the answers for them but I know I will have love for them. Also who knows my mom may still be with us during that time and so if I don't know the answer, I know I can call her. Ok here's to getting better... tamilflu... lots of fluids (not so much coffee)... soft pillow... counting sheep... Gilmore Girls marathon (ok this one is for my soul)... call my mom one more time... ok now I can rest.

This year my mom will celebrate 14 years of being in remission and Jesse will celebrate 8.

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