Domestic Packet -- HALF CHECK
We have also completed two of the four online classes. To be honest this is not my favorite part of the process and we are planning to have all four done before Wednesday... prayers and more prayers
Domestic Adoption Courses -- HALF CHECK
We have also completed our first of four group training sessions. I really enjoyed our first class. The Lord answered one of my prayers that evening. I have had a void in my heart for a while now. I am unable to connect with other women who can have babies naturally. So I have prayed that God will send me a friend that I can talk to about being infertile. Thank you Lord for giving me a friend at work and now a local friend. I just happen to sit next to someone who lives just a few streets over from my house and yes she struggles with infertility. Praise the Lord for helping me in my time of loneliness, please pray that I may fill the void in these ladies lives as well. Ok back to the class... The group session was about partnering with another ministry to help fund raise. Jesse and I had already been in prayer before this meeting about this project and it just happens to be one that we are going to do. Their mission verse is James 1:27- Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.
Please check out their site for more details. We will be looking to do this Fundraiser in the Fall. What a great way to be a blessing and to help serve a widow in Middle Tennessee... prayers and praises
Domestic Group Training Courses -- 1/4 CHECK
Ok now I have saved the best for last. What an incredible way to begin my weekend at Fellowship Bible Church at the Wait No More Conference. I found myself at one moment in tears just as I looked around the room and saw 500+ other adopting families worshiping God. It was an emotional service and the Holy Spirit covered the entire conference. We heard story after story about how lives have been impacted through adoption. We heard from adopting parents, adopted children, and we heard from the Lord. Adoption is a life sacrifice just like we are doing as Christians... tears and tears
Dear God,
Heal my heart and make it clean; Open up my eyes to the things unseen; Show me how to love like you have loved me; Break my heart for what breaks yours; Everything I am for Your kingdom's cause; As I walk from earth into eternity.
The Saga continues as we have our physicals and interviews on Wednesday!
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